National Partnership

Carnot Institute

One of the major objectives of MATEX is to create a Carnot Institute on multimaterials under extreme conditions, aiming to strengthen the enduring connection between academic research and industrial partners in this field.

What is a Carnot Institute?

Institut Carnot

A Carnot Institute is a virtual research structure aimed at fostering the development of research partnerships and technology transfer between public research and businesses.

Its missions

The missions of a Carnot Institute are to:

  • Promote technological exchanges between researchers and industrial partners at the regional and national levels;
  • Provide companies with the means and expertise to enhance their competitiveness;
  • Strengthen innovation and boost the competitiveness of the French industry;
  • Provide scientific revitalization to meet the future innovation needs of companies;
  • Enhance the visibility of R&D activities internationally and at the European level.


Lavinia Balan