Improving reinforcement/matrix interfaces
The aim of the project is to improve adhesion between different classes of materials (such as metals, ceramics, polymers and elastomers) for plasma surface treatment.
Two types of plasma are used. Atmospheric pressure plasma is mainly used for surface pretreatment.

Low-pressure plasma, on the other hand, is used to deposit thin intermediate layers to promote bonding between materials
Low-pressure plasma, on the other hand, is used to deposit thin intermediate layers to promote bonding between materials
L'étude de l'adhérence des matériaux renforts : microtomographie et les essais mécaniques visant à caractériser le phénomène d'adhérence entre des matériaux du type RTV et différents substrats, via le développement d'un essai d'adhérence sur joint collé type ARCAN (procédure d'essai de tenue mécanique d'assemblage).
An alternative to costly and polluting surface preparations
In today's demanding economic and environmental context, a dry alternative using plasma treatment is proving promising. In particular, the joining of elastomers and metals is a subject of great importance for various industrial applications where this combination of materials is frequently used (aeronautics, etc.). Although some developments exist in this field, atmospheric pressure processes are much less developed, despite their "apparent simplicity" of implementation in production and on large-scale parts.
Promising scientific results
This project draws on complementary skills in plasma surface treatment and mechanical testing. It will provide a better understanding of the interactions of non-thermal plasmas with metal or polymer (resin) surfaces, with effects on coating adhesion. Improved processes for the production of multilayer materials are expected, as well as a better correlation between mechanical adhesion properties and production processes.

Academic laboratories
GREMI UMR 7344- CNRS & University of Orléans, Bourges and Orléans sites
LaMé - University of Orléans / University of Tours / INSA Centre Val de Loire
Industrial partner
EFJM, Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets (28)
252k€ over 3 years
from regional funds (ARD CVL)
Eva Kovacevic