A collaborative project

MATEX's mission is to bring together academy and industry in the fields of research, innovation and training, by creating a dynamic around multimaterials in extreme conditions.

The Centre-Val de Loire region has a significant industrial sector, characterised by the presence of large groups and small and medium-sized companies with high R&D potential. The Centre-Val de Loire region also boasts a number of research and higher education establishments with high-level scientific and technical expertise in the field of the ARD: CNRS, the University of Orléans, the University of Tours and INSA Centre Val de Loire.

One of the advantages of multimaterials is that they combine complementary functionalities and aptitudes, enabling them to be used in severe environments or under extreme stress (beyond normal conditions of use). Exploiting the full potential of multimaterials, and deploying them in industry, involves studying their behavior, and understanding the physico-chemical phenomena involved, particularly at interfaces.

The Centre-Val de Loire region combines scientific and technical expertise with a state-of-the-art experimental park, all at the service of innovation.

The MATEX program

This original and ambitious program capitalizes on :

  • the region's specific academic expertise in this field.
  • access to an instrumental park, as well as high-level, multidisciplinary scientific and technical expertise.
  • the new Horizontal Measure of the Regional Innovation Strategy: "Fostering industrial transition through the implementation of a multi-materials approatte thématique est abordée dans toute sa diversité : conception, élaboration, caractérisation physico-chimique et analyse des comportements sous sollicitation, ce qui définit notre spécificité régionale.

This theme is approached in all its diversity: design, elaboration, physico-chemical characterization and analysis of behavior under stress, which defines our regional specificity.

This strong ecosystem enables MATEX to deploy for :

Bring together industrials
and scientists

around the Industrials' Club

Initiating new

on fundamental aspects or technology transfer, thanks to our expertise and instrumental facilities

Create partnerships

using national and international mechanisms (Institut Carnot and Doctoral Network)

Developing a continuum
of training courses

up to doctorate level, through initial training or apprenticeships, for technicians, managers and senior executives in several industrial sectors.

Supporting laboratories
and companies

for the ongoing training of their staff

Bringing to the general public

scientific research and the specific nature of its relations with the socio-economic world through events and media (exhibitions, videos, etc.).

MATEX is funded by the Centre-Val de Loire region

MATEX is co-financed by the Centre-Val de Loire region as part of the Ambition Research and Development program (ARD-CVL). Since 2014, the Centre-Val de Loire region has been strengthening its research and development skills, with a clear ambition: to provide new answers to the major challenges of socio-economic development and the climate and environmental emergency, for the benefit of the region's inhabitants and businesses.