
France 2030

The France 2030 project emerged in response to the Covid-19 crisis, forming the third stage of the government's crisis recovery plan. Part of the Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir (PIA), France 2030 has a total budget of 54 billion euros over 5 years.

Its main objective is to support strategic sectors identified on a national scale, thereby strengthening France's economic sovereignty and leadership position in these fields. The plan is divided into two distinct parts: the first, called "directed innovation", mobilizes 40.5 billion euros to support key investments linked to economic and social transition. The second part focuses on decarbonizing the economy, and also benefits from a substantial budget.


Within France 2030, particular attention is paid to emerging players such as start-ups and innovative SMEs, which receive 50% of the allocated funds. Similarly, 50% of the funds are earmarked for decarbonizing the economy. The plan is implemented through specific schemes managed by state operators, notably Bpifrance, Banque des Territoires and Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). These schemes cover a wide range of themes, from the ecological and energy transition to agriculture, healthcare, digital technology and culture. In the Centre-Val de Loire region, several projects have already been supported as part of France 2030, with a financial commitment of 164 million euros. Support schemes have been set up to encourage innovation and industrialization in various fields.


For more information on the schemes and winning projects, please consult the specifications available on the website. You can also subscribe to the regional newsletter and take part in themed webinars on the Préfecture de région website:

France 2030 opens up significant funding opportunities for companies and academic players. We encourage you to submit your projects at national level to benefit from these government grants.

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